a game server using the Actor model, a concurrency model that allows for efficient and scalable system design. The server utilizes websockets to synchronize the state of multiple players in real-time, providing a smooth gaming experience. By leveraging the Actor model, the game server is able to handle high loads and efficiently coordinate shared state between all players. This approach ensures high performance and responsiveness in the game environment.
make server
this will start the server on port 4000,and will wait for clients to syncronize states among them.
start clients by running:
make client
❯ make server
TRAC[0000] [INBOX] started pid=local/server
starting HTTP server on port 4000
TRAC[0000] [PROCESS] started pid=local/server
server !
on shell 1: run make client
on shell 2: run make client
new client trying to connect
TRAC[0009] [INBOX] started pid=local/server/session_3552661241410906520
rev: {}
TRAC[0009] [PROCESS] started pid=local/server/session_3552661241410906520
client with sid 3552661241410906520 and pid local/server/session_3552661241410906520 just connected
recieved login msg
new client trying to connect
TRAC[0028] [INBOX] started pid=local/server/session_5777754122544690289
rev: {}
TRAC[0028] [PROCESS] started pid=local/server/session_5777754122544690289
client with sid 5777754122544690289 and pid local/server/session_5777754122544690289 just connected
recieved login msg
sending this state &{100 {365 957} 5777754122544690289}
sending this state &{100 {811 724} 3552661241410906520}
sending this state &{100 {889 512} 5777754122544690289}
sending this state &{100 {512 906} 3552661241410906520}
sending this state &{100 {441 658} 5777754122544690289}
client 1:
need to update the state of player {100 {365 957} 5777754122544690289}
need to update the state of player {100 {889 512} 5777754122544690289}
client 2:
need to update the state of player {100 {811 724} 3552661241410906520}
need to update the state of player {100 {512 906} 3552661241410906520}
this is based on series of streams by Anthony GG (source)