
My collection of Themes for i3-wm

Primary LanguageCSSGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


    My collection of themes for i3wm.

What you might need

  • i3-wm in any Linux distro you prefer
  • Polybar (for most of the themes)
  • Rofi (for most of the themes)
  • Firefox Themes can be installed using the "Stylish" extension


    Automated way

    • git clone https://github.com/unix121/i3wm-themes
    • cd i3wm-themes/scripts/
    • ./apply_theme.sh {THEME} ({THEME} should be the name of the theme you want to apply)
      (example on how to apply the "Minimal" theme)
      ./apply_theme.sh Minimal
    • After you run the script you might have to manually set the wallpaper which is located in the {THEME} directory and also use your appearance manager to apply the Icons and the GTK Themes.
    • NOTE: If you notice any bugs on the script feel free to contact me and I will address them

    Manual Way

    To copy the basic configuration of a theme follow those steps:
    • git clone https://github.com/unix121/i3wm-themes
    • cd i3wm-themes/{THEME_YOU_WANT_TO_APPLY}/
    • cp .i3/config ~/.i3/config (or ~/.config/i3/config depending on your configuration file location)
    • cp .config/compton.conf ~/.config/compton.conf
    • cp .config/polybar/config ~/.config/polybar/config
    • cp ../scripts/polybar/launch.sh ~/.config/polybar/launch.sh
    • cp ../scripts/polybar/music.sh ~/.config/polybar/music.sh
    • cp .resources/.Xresources ~/.Xresources
    • cp .resources/.extend.Xresources ~/.extend.Xresources
    • cp -R ../.fonts/. ~/.fonts/
    • xrdb ~/.Xresources
    • i3-msg restart



    If you are the original artist of any of the photos/pictures featured in those themes, please feel free to contact me, so that you can get credited.

    e-mail: unix121@protonmail.com