
This an Ethereum truffle project and it's used for training and learning purposes.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Inbox is a simple ethereum project to set message and update it in in the ethereum network, it's built on truffle framework and it can be used for learning ethereum blockchain.

Used librairies and dependencies

Library version
@truffle/hdwallet-provider 1.7.0
ganache-cli 6.12.2
mocha 9.1.4
solc 0.4.26
web3 1.6.1

Install and run the project

Make sure to install all deepndencies using :

npm install

Then you can run the command bellow to see the objects that composes our contract 'inbox'

node compile.js

You are supposed to see something like this :

There is 3 tests, to run those tests, tap the command

npm run test

This will give : alt text