Media files key-value store with on the fly thumbnail generation. Support pluggable thumbnail generators for different media types. Support pluggable storage back-ends for storing file-path and file-meta-data. Include a built in thumbnail generator based on GraphicMagic. Automatically search for media files in media directory.
mem-backend: a storage back-end for storing data in a memory dictionary.
mongoose-backend: a storage back-end for storing data in MongoDB.
gm-thumbnailer: a thumbnailer plug-in for creating image thumbnails.
This plug-in require GraphicMagic to be installed and on the system path.
ffmpeg-thumbnailer: a thumbnailer plug-in for creating video thumbnails.
This plug-in require ffmpeg to be installed and on the system path.
use npm:
npm install media-thumb-store
This gm plugin require GraphicMagic to be installed, download and install GraphicsMagick or use your package manager.
sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick
This ffmpeg plugin require ffmpeg to be installed, download and install ffmpeg or use your package manager.
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
var mediaThumbStore = require('media-thumb-store');
* Create a new thumbnail generator for images
* Use the included GraphicMagic thumbnailer.
* Thumbnail images will be cached in './' folder under
* Two sub-folders 'normal' and 'large'
* This two sub-folders must exist before first thumbnail is cached.
* thumb-folder|normal|thumb1.jpg
* | |...
* |
* |large|thumb1.jpg
* | ...
var imageThumbnailer = new mediaThumbStore.gmThumbnailer({
// Set the root path for the thumbnail folders
thumbDir: __dirname
* Test our thumbnailer function
* If the __dirname + '/normal' folder exsits a new thumbnail will
* be created inside it.
* @param {requestCallback} next Call next functions.
function testThumbnailer(next) {
imageThumbnailer(__dirname + '/img/happy-cat.jpg', 'normal', function(err, path) {
if (err) {
console.log(' Thumbnail not created');
} else {
console.log(' Thumbnail (size: normal) created at:' + path);
* Create a new media storage
var myMedia = new mediaThumbStore({
// Set the full path of the image sent if thumbnail creation fails
defaultIcon: __dirname + '/normal/default.jpg',
// Set the function to use for the creation of thumbnails for
// files with 'image' mime type.
imageThumbnailer: imageThumbnailer
* Test our media storage object
* Scan a media folder and insert all meta-data about the files
* to our storage object.
* @param {requestCallback} next Call next functions.
function testStorage(next) {
myMedia.updateFromDir(__dirname + '/img', function() {
// Print first 100 files found, order by name
// See find method options below.
myMedia.find({skip: 0, limit: 100, sortBy: 'name'}, function(err, results) {
* Test our media storage thumbnailer
* Find the happy-cat image in the storage meta-data
* and make a thumbnail for it.
* @param {requestCallback} next Call next functions.
function testFindThumb(next) {
// Create thumbnail for the first image file named 'happy-cat'
myMedia.find({where: ['mime~=^image', 'name==happy-cat']}, function(err, results) {
// take the id of the first file found
var id = results[0]._id;
myMedia.findThumbById(id, 'normal', function(err, path) {
console.log('Created thumbnail (size: normal): ' + path);
mimeList {Array.<String>}
An array of supported mime types.
Defaults: ['image/jpeg',
imageThumbnailer {function(mediaPath, size, callback(Error, thumbPath)}
A function that get a path to a media file and callback with
a path to a generated/cached thumbnail image
Used for files with image mime type.
Media and Thumbnail paths are absolute.
Defaults: null, use default icon image
audioThumbnailer {function(mediaPath, size, callback(Error, thumbPath)}
A function that get a path to a media file and callback with
a path to a generated/cached thumbnail image
Used for files with audio mime type.
Defaults: null, use default icon image
videoThumbnailer {function(mediaPath, size, callback(Error, thumbPath)}
A function that get a path to a media file and callback with
a path to a generated/cached thumbnail image
Used for files with video mime type.
Defaults: null, use default icon image
A back-end store module for data storage.
The store module should implement:
find(options, callback(err, results))
findById(key, callback(err, result))
create(object, callback(err))
Defaults: null, ( fall back to memStore )
defaultIcon {String}
Path a default image file, used when thumbnailer fails
find([options], callback(err, results))
Get media items from the data storage.
Options are passed to the storae backend,
Backend should implement:
skip {Number}
limit {Number}
sortBy {String}
where {String[]} ( * See format of where string )
findById(key, callback(err, result))
Get one media item from the data storage.
findThumbById(key, size, callback(err, result))
Get a path to cached/generated thumbnail image of a media item.
create(filePath, callback(err))
Append a media item to the data storage.
updateFromDir(root, callback(err))
Recurcivly append/update all media items in a root folder.
implemented Operators:
~= Regular exprsion
== Equal to
< Less then
> greater then
For example:
'name~=yosi' filter results where name
match the regular exprsion /yosi/
'name==yosi' filter results where name
is exactly 'yosi'
keyGenerator {function({String})}
Key generator is a function that generates a unique key for the
object path field {String}.
Default is md5 of the objects path field.
thumbDir {String}
Path to the thumbnail directory
thumbSizes {Object}
The default sizes of the generated thumbnails
Defaults to {normal: 128, large: 256}
thumbQuality {Number}
The generated thumbnail quality (1 bad .. 100 best)
Defaults to 50
keyGenerator {function({String})}
Key generator is a function that generates a unique key for the
object path field {String}.
Default is md5 of the objects path field.
thumbDir {String}
Path to the thumbnail directory
thumbSizes {Object}
The default sizes of the generated thumbnails
Defaults to {normal: 128, large: 256}
thumbQuality {Number}
The generated thumbnail quality (1 bad .. 100 best)
Defaults to 50
keyGenerator {function({String})}
Key generator is a function that generates a unique key for the
object path field {String}.
Default is md5 of the objects path field.
find(options, callback(err, results))
findById(key, callback(err, result))
create(object, callback(err))
update(key, object, callback(err))
remove(key, callback(err))
url {String}
MongoDB database url.
Default to 'mongodb://localhost/mediafiles'
find(options, callback(err, results))
findById(key, callback(err, result))
create(object, callback(err))
update(key, object, callback(err))
remove(key, callback(err))
The thumbnailer is a function that gets a path to a media file, and A callback function(err, thumbnailPath). If successful it will call the callback function with a path to Generated thumbnail. On fail it will set the thumbnailPath To null.
* An example thumbnailer function that always return the same thumb
* Not very useful...
* @param {String} path The path to a media file
* @param {String} size The size of the thumbnail ('normal', 'large')
* @param {function({Error} err, {String} path)} callback The
* callback function that will receive the thumb image file path
var thumbnailer = function(path, size, callback) {
// do nothing with image in path
// ...
// set err to null, and send back a static image path
callback(err, 'my-thumb.jpg');
( An example thumbnail module is in lib/thumbnailers/ )
A plug-in store module for data storage
The store module should implement:
find(options, callback(err, results))
findById(key, callback(err, result))
create(object, callback(err))
The find function options:
limt {Nuber} max number of results
skip {Number} start at result
sortBy {String} field name to sort by:
'name' will sort result by the 'name' field
'-name' will sort by 'name' backwords
where {String[]} a list of where strings
( An example store module is in lib/backends/ )