This is a ruby and rails project that covers a clone of Dribble, including some of the application
features as well as a clean style.
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This is a Dribble project with ruby and rails
The project was developed using these tools and technologies.
Yair Fernando Facio Fraga - YairFernando67 -
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This is the list of the gems that are required
- Devise - Used to the user authentication system
- Guard Livereload - Provides a livereload on the browser when your local files change.
- Guard - Work with files when they change
- Acts As Votable - Like and unlike shots
- CarrierWave + Mini Magick - Upload images
- Gravatar Image Tag - It is helpful to use user's gravatar based on their emails
- Better Errors - Give you a better display of the errors.
- Impressionist - To count views
- Simple Form - Provide simple sintax forms
- Bulma Rails - CSS framework.
- hirb - It desplays a better view of the database