This repository contains the code for the Python/Flask Codility task which Codility didn't seem to accept.

There are PyTest tests that test the scenarios described in the task.

Additionally, there is a multi-stage Dockerfile that creates a container that runs the tests, or runs the Flask server.

The Docker container uses Python 3.8.5 and Flask 2.1.2 as specified in the Codility task.

Please note that I mocked the save() function, since the described Codility save() function wasn't standard.

Run the tests without using Docker

$ pip3 install pytest flask=='2.1.2'
$ python3 -m pytest -v

Run the tests as a Docker container (uses pytest)

$ docker build -t semperis --target test .
$ docker run semperis

Run the Flask server as a Docker container

$ docker build -t semperis --target production .
$ docker run -p 5000:5000 semperis

Test using curl

Works with both the containerized and non-containerized versions.

curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name":"My Name","age":38}'