
Delve into my web developer portfolio, a testament to my skill and innovation. This dynamic showcase is built upon the robust foundation of Vue 3 and Vite, harnessing the power of TypeScript for seamless development. With ParticlesJS, I infuse captivating animations into every project, and Scroll Reveal adds an interactive edge.

Primary LanguageVue

Delve into my web developer portfolio, a testament to my skill and innovation. This dynamic showcase is built upon the robust foundation of Vue 3 and Vite, harnessing the power of TypeScript for seamless development. With ParticlesJS, I infuse captivating animations into every project, and Scroll Reveal adds an interactive edge. These technologies and tools underpin my commitment to creating outstanding web experiences. Explore my diverse projects and witness the synergy of Vue 3 composition api, Vite, TypeScript, ParticlesJS, and Scroll Reveal, each contributing to a dynamic and visually captivating portfolio that reflects my passion for web development.