Thirty Minute Python Web App on Amazon

Build and Deploy a Python Web App to Amazon in 30 minutes


Install Pip, Fabric, Flask and Boto

$ curl -O
$ tar xvfz pip-1.0.tar.gz
$ cd pip-1.0 && python install

$ pip install fabric flask boto

Create an Amazon Web Services Account

Create a Local Settings File that Stores Amazon settings

# Sample

# Amazon Values
aws_key = 'DFGTAKIAJ4HFA'
aws_secret = 'ASklKUYljkja97Kjk+adsasd/adsdssdsds'
aws_key_path = '/home/foobar/.ssh/aws_keypair.pem'
aws_key_pair = 'my_keypair_name'
aws_security_group = 'default'

# Github Value
github_user = 'my_github_name'

Deploy the Code to Amazon Server

NOTE: Whenever you deploy instances to Amazon you will be charged the hourly rate per instance type. The below command will start the clock on charges until you Stop or Terminate an instance.

$ fab deploy_web


Edit variables defined in AWS global variable to change Amazon instance size and Machine Images

'defaults' : {
        'image_id' : 'ami-aecd60c7',       # Amazon Linux 64-bit
        'instance_type' : 't1.micro',      # Micro Instance