preparation of many diversified Sequences by simulation of evolutionary process

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

PRESUME Installation and User Manual

Overview of PRESUME

PRESUME enables the simulation of various sequence diversification processes based on user-defined models (Figure 1). It is executed with the input information of a root sequence, a target number of sequences to be generated n, as well as a parameter σ that determines the branch unbalancedness of the generating tree, and parameters that determine how to introduce mutations in sequences. A template tree with defined branch lengths (or generation times) can also be given, such that the mutational process is simulated along with the provided tree.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of PRESUME. Unless a tree of defined topology is provided by the user, PRESUME first simulates a template tree topology for the proliferation of propagating units (PUs) (i.e., sequences or cells as units to harbor multiple sequences) using a single parameter σ. Following a linear time T progression, PRESUME progressively proliferates PUs, in which each PU duplicates when its generation time d has passed since its birth. The generation time d is given to each new PU, so its reciprocal (doubling speed) follows a gamma probability distribution, wherein the mean and variance are 1 and σ2, respectively.

Upon a template tree is provided by the simulation or by the user, the mutational processes of sequences are simulated along with it. In the present implementation of PRESUME, substitutions are simulated either with time-dependent probability functions assigned for different sequence positions using the GTR-Gamma model or time-independent probabilities per branch (or generation) defined for independent sequence positions by the user.

Supported Environment

  1. PRESUME can be executed on MacOS or Linux.
  2. The distributed computing mode of PRESUME requires UGE (Univa Grid Engine)

Software Dependency

  1. Python3 (newer than 3.7.0) with Biopython module required and tqdm module optional; for visualization of simulation progress

Software Installation

Installation of PRESUME

Each step of installation takes less than 1 min.

  1. Download PRESUME by

    git clone https://github.com/yachielab/PRESUME
  2. Add the absolute path of PRESUME directory to $PATH

  3. Make PRESUME executable

    chmod u+x PRESUME.py
Installation of Anaconda (required)
  1. Execute the following commands

    wget https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-2018.12-Linux-x86_64.sh
    bash Anaconda3-2018.12-Linux-x86_64.sh
  2. Set $PATH to anaconda3/bin

Installation of Biopython 1.76 (required)
  1. Install Biopython by

    conda install -c anaconda biopython
Installation of tqdm 4.43.0 (optional)
  1. Install tqdm by

    conda install -c conda-forge tqdm

Sample Codes

The software functions can be tested by the following example commands:

Example 1

Generation of approximately 100 sequences using the GTR-Gamma model with the default parameter set without distributed computing. This computing will take several minutes.

PRESUME.py -n 100 --gtrgamma default --save

Output: a directory PRESUMEout containing the following files will be created in your working directory:

  1. PRESUMEout.fa : FASTA file for generated descendant sequences

  2. root.fa : FASTA file describing the root sequence used for the simulation

  3. PRESUMEout.nwk: Newick format file for the lineage history of the generated sequences

  4. args.csv: CSV file containing basic patameters used for the simulation (enabled by --save).

Example 2

Generation of approximately 100 sequences using a time-independent model with the substitution frequency of 5% per nucleotide position per generation along with a highly unbalanced lineage trajectory (σ of 10). This will take several minutes.

PRESUME.py -n 100 --constant 0.05 -s 10

Output data: a directory PRESUMEout will be created in your working directory.

Example 3

Generation of approximately 10,000 sequences using the GTR-Gamma model with a user-defined parameter set with distributed computing. This will take several minutes.

PRESUME.py -n 10000 --gtrgamma GTR{0.927000/2.219783/1.575175/0.861651/4.748809/1.000000}+FU{0.298/0.215/0.304/0.183}+G{0.553549} --qsub 

Output data: a directory PRESUMEout will be created in your working directory.

Example 4

Generation of approximately 128 sequences using GTR-Gamma model and an indel model with user-defined parameters with distributed computing. This will take approximately 1 minute.

PRESUME.py -n 100 --gtrgamma default --inprob indel_probability.txt --inlength indel_length.txt --delprob indel_probability.txt --dellength indel_length.txt

Input data: indel_probability.txt defines indel probability per generation for each initial sequence postion and indel_length.txt defines the distribution of each indel

Output data: a directory PRESUMEout will be created in your working directory.

Example 5

Generation of approximately 128 sequences using a time-independent model with the substitution frequency of each nucleotide character in each sequence position specified in transition_probability.txt. This will take approximately 1 minute.

PRESUME.py -n 100  --editprofile transition_probability.txt

Input data: transition_probability.txt defines substitution matrix of each site.

Output data: a directory PRESUMEout will be created in your working directory.

See SubstitutionModelDetails.PRESUME.pdf for more details of how to specify the GTR-Gamma model parameters.

Note that as the number of sequences are only sporadically monitored during the simulation, the number of generated descendant sequences can be fluctuated and differed from the number of sequences N required to be generated by -n.

In the distributed computing mode, the number of jobs will be around √N; PRESUME first generates ~√N number of sequences in a single node, each of which is then subjected to the further downstream process in a distributed computing node.


    [-v] [--version] [-h] [--help] [-n sequence_number] [-L sequence_length]
    [-s standard_deviation] [-e extinction_probability] 
    [--gtrgamma model_parameters] [-m mean_substitution_rate]
    [--constant substitution_probability] [--qsub] [--output directory_path]
    [-f input_file] [--load file_name] [-u sequences_number] [--debug] [--bar] [--save] [-r max_retrial_number] 
    [--seed random_seed] [--limit time_limit] 

    -v --version
      Print PRESUME version. Ignore all of the other parameters
    -h --help
      Print the usage of PRESUME. Ignore all of the other parameters
    --output <String>
    Output directory path. PRESUME creates a directory unless exists. Default: current directory
    -n <Integer>
      Number of sequences to be generated. Default: 100
    --tree <String>
    Input Newick format file path if a template tree is given. Ignore -s -e -f -u -r --constant –-qsub –-load 
        –-debug –-bar –-save –-seed and --limit
    -s <Float>
      Standard deviation of propagation speed. Default: 0
    -e <Float>
      Probability of extinction. Default: 0
    -f <String>
    Input FASTA file path for the root sequence. Random sequence will be generated unless specified. Ignore -L 
    -L <Integer>
      Length of sequences to be generated. Default: 1000 
    --gtrgamma <String>
      GTR-Gamma model parameters
        Format: --gtrgamma GTR{A-C/A-G/A-T/C-G/C-T/G-T}+FU{piA/piC/piG/piT}+G{alpha}
        For more details, see https://github.com/yachielab/PRESUME/blob/master/SubstitutionModelDetails.PRESUME.pdf
        or you can use the default parameter set by 
          --gtrgamma default
        which is equivalent to
          --gtrgamma GTR{0.03333/0.03333/0.03333/0.03333/0.03333/0.03333}+FU{0.25/0.25/0.25/0.25}+G4{10000}
    -m <Float>
      Mean of gamma distribution for relative substitution rates of different sequence positions. Default: 1
    --inprob <String>       
      File path for insertion probability at each sequence position per generation
        (Default: Indels are inactivated)
    --inlength <String>
      File path for insertion length distribution
    --delprob <String>
      File path for deletion probability at each sequence position per generation
    --dellength <String>
      File path for deletion length distribution
    --editprofile <String>
      File path for substitution probabilities at each sequence position per generation
    Execute the distributed computing mode. PRESUME is executed with only a single node unless specified
    --dop <String>
      Option of qsub command when distributed computing mode is enabled with –qsub. Default: ""
    -u <Integer>
    Maximum number of sequences to be generated. Default: 1000000000
    --ud <float>
      Upper limit of doubling time. Default: 10^10
    --ld <float>
      Lower limit of doubling time. Default: 10^(-5)
    Activate the monitoring of simulation progress with Python tqdm module
    Output a CSV file for parameter values used for the simulation. Default: False
    --param <String>
    CSV file for parameter values. This file can be obtained from a previous simulation run executed with
        –-save option.
    --seed <Integer>
    Seed value for generation of random values. Default: 0
    -r <Integer>
    Maximum number of retrials of simulation when all sequences are extinct
      (Default: 100000)    


  1. Keito Watano (The University of Tokyo) watano.k10.yachielab@gmail.com
  2. Naoki Konno (The University of Tokyo) naoki@bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
  3. Nozomu Yachie (The University of British Columbia and The University of Tokyo) nozomu.yachie@ubc.ca