HFDiscrim effectively combines single-run and multi-run features to characterize chromatographic peaks
docker pull meiyulab/hfdiscrim:1.0.0
Create a container (named hfdiscrim_work) based on the image meiyulab/hfdiscrim:1.0.0
and simultaneously mount the local folder /path/to/hfdiscrim
to the folder /hfdiscrim
(in the container) by running the following command in your terminal:
docker run -it --name hfdiscrim_work -v /path/to/hfdiscrim:/hfdiscrim meiyulab/hfdiscrim:1.0.0 /bin/bash
Please change /path/to/hfdiscrim to your own path.
parameters | descriptions |
--db_fpath | The output of pyprophet (merged.osw). |
--chrom_dpath | Directory of openswath output (.chrom.sqMass). |
--work_dpath | Directory for output files. |
--seed | Random seed for decoy generation (default: 123). |
--map_size | The size of the temporary database (default: 32). |
--fdr_precursor | FDR of precursor level (default: 0.01). |
--n_mrg | The number of candidate MRGroup (default: 3). |
--nrt_width_percent | Percentage of the search range in normalized retention time (default: 0.02). |
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