
Simple peak detection

Primary LanguagePython


PyPI Build Python Version

Simple peak detection library for Python based on Billauer's work and this gist. If you can improve this project, feel free to contribute.



$ pip install peakdetect

Clone repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/Anaxilaus/peakdetect
$ python peakdetect/setup.py install

Requirements: numpy and scipy. Setup installs requirements itself.


Example usage:

>>> import peakdetect
>>> peaks = peakdetect.peakdetect(y_axis, x_axis, lookahead, delta)

Documentation on peakdetect function, keyword arguments:

y_axis -- A list containing the signal over which to find peaks
x_axis -- A x-axis whose values correspond to the y_axis list and is used
    in the return to specify the position of the peaks. If omitted an
    index of the y_axis is used.
    (default: None)
lookahead -- distance to look ahead from a peak candidate to determine if
    it is the actual peak
    (default: 200) 
    '(samples / period) / f' where '4 >= f >= 1.25' might be a good value
delta -- this specifies a minimum difference between a peak and
    the following points, before a peak may be considered a peak. Useful
    to hinder the function from picking up false peaks towards to end of
    the signal. To work well delta should be set to delta >= RMSnoise * 5.
    (default: 0)
    When omitted delta function causes a 20% decrease in speed.
    When used Correctly it can double the speed of the function