MS Edge TTS Extension (Text to Speech)


This is a Text-to-Speech browser extension that uses MS Edge Online TTS service.


  • ✨ Dark mode is finally here!
  • Natural Sounding Voices
  • Multiple Language Support
  • Context Menu Item
  • Download generated audio file
  • Advanced controls: Rate, Pitch and Volume
  • Generated audio is Free for Personal and Commercial Use
  • User-friendly interface
  • Language and country autocomplete for fast search


- Mozilla / Chrome Web Store

- Manual Installation

  1. Clone this repository and run npm i.
  2. Run npm run build for Chrome, npm run build:firefox for Firefox.
  3. Open your browser's extension settings.
  4. Enable developer mode.
  5. Click on "Load unpacked" and select the extension folder.
  6. The extension should now be installed and ready to use.


MsEdge_TTS_Screenshot_1.png MsEdge_TTS_Screenshot_2.png MsEdge_TTS_Screenshot_3.png MsEdge_TTS_Screenshot_4.png MsEdge_TTS_Screenshot_5.png MsEdge_TTS_Screenshot_6.png


The extension icon is created by Loud speaker icons created by Uniconlabs - Flaticon


If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact the project maintainer at


Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas or improvements, please submit a pull request.