
A gamedev starter kit for OpenGL game development

Primary LanguageC++

A gamedev starter kit for OpenGL game development

  • glfw for window management
  • glad for OpenGL wrangling (via glfw)
  • glm for vectors, matrices, and related math
  • imgui for UI interfaces
  • miniaudio for audio
  • stb for image loading and more
  • bifrost (my own library) for helpful OpenGL functions


A simple hobby OpenGL-based game framework written in C++.


  1. cmake
  2. Visual Studio (Windows)
  3. make (Linux)


  1. Clone repo
  2. Update git submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Use cmake to create build files
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
  1. Use build tool or cmake to build project
cd build
cmake --build .

# creates game.exe by default


src/game.cpp contains the game-related code

src/main.cpp contains the GLFW and IMGUI initialization, both can be edited to the heart's desire.