
This program allows the user to run calorimetric NRF Cherenkov Detector cargo screening simulations. This simulation provides visualization tools in addition to root data. Visualization tools can be utilized in both batch and interactive modes. The final output provided can be manipulated by the user through the "" input.

Mantis Output

Bremsstrahlung Test Output If the bremTest Flag is passed the following TTree Ntuples are available to the User:

  1. Bremsstrahlung Radiator Emission
  • EventID
  • Energy
  • Theta Angle
  • Phi Angle
  1. Bremsstrahlung Copper Backing Emission
  • EventID
  • Energy
  • Theta Angle
  • Phi Angle
  1. Incident Chopper Wheel
  • EventID
  • Energy
  • X Location
  • Y Location

NRF Cargo Screening Output if the bremTest Flag is not passed the following TTree NTuples are available to the User:

  1. Incident Chopper Wheel /output/myoutput ChopIncData must be uncommented!
  • EventID
  • Energy
  • X Location
  • Y Location
  1. Chopper Emission -> /output/myoutput ChopOutData must be uncommented!
  • EventID
  • Energy
  • Theta Angle
  • Phi Angle
  1. NRF Data -> /output/myoutput/ NRFData must be uncommented!
  • Event IDs
  • Energy
  • Creation Material
  • Z position
  • Weight
  1. Incident Interrogation Object Data -> /output/myoutput IntObjInData must be uncommented!
  • Event IDs
  • Track IDs
  • Energy
  • Beam Energy
  • CreatorProcess
  • Theta
  • Phi
  • Time
  • Seed
  • Weight
  1. Interrogation Object Emission Data -> /output/myoutput IntObjOutData must be uncommented!
  • Event IDs
  • Track IDs
  • Energy
  • Beam Energy
  • CreatorProcess
  • Theta
  • Phi
  • Time
  • Seed
  • Weight
  1. Incident Outer Shielding Layer Data -> /output/myoutput/ ShieldingData must be uncommented!
  • EventID
  • Seed
  • TrackID
  • Energy
  • Beam Energy
  • Time
  • Creator Process
  • Weight
  1. Incident Plexiglass Layer Data -> /output/myoutput/ PlexiData must be uncommented!
  • EventID
  • Seed
  • TrackID
  • Energy
  • Beam Energy
  • Time
  • Theta Angle
  • Phi Angle
  • Creator Process
  • Weight
  1. Water Data -> /output/myoutput WaterData must be uncommented!
  • Event IDs
  • Track IDs
  • Energy
  • CreatorProcess
  • Weight
  1. Cherenkov Data -> /output/myouput/ CherenkovData must be uncommented!
  • Event IDs
  • Energy
  • NumSecondaries
  • Time
  • Weight
  1. Cherenkov2 Data -> /output/myoutput/ Cherenkov2Data must be uncommented
  • EventID
  • Energy
  • Phi
  • Weight
  1. Detected Photocathode Data -> Automatic
  • Event IDs
  • Energy
  • Beam Energy
  • X Position
  • Y Position
  • CreatorProcess
  • Time
  • Seed
  • Weight
  1. Incident Photocathode Data -> /output/myoutput DetData must be uncommented!
  • Event ID
  • Energy
  • Beam Energy
  • DetProcess
  • Seed
  • Weight

Mantis Output Post-Analysis

Included in Run_Analysis/ are various functions to aid in quick analysis of simulated data. See for more information. can be loaded and compiled with CERN ROOT with the following terminal line of code:

> root

> MantisROOT* m = new MantisROOT()

For help on the list of functions run:

> m->Help()

Mantis Input

The User can manipulate the simulation in various ways through the macro input file. For example the following line of code: > ./mantis --macro --output_filename test.root --seed 1 would run mantis with the inputs found in located in the mantis executable directory. The output would be found in test.root and would have a seed of 1.

The command line input options and flags include:


Macro File to be read for user input options -> Required!


Input File Containing hBrems bremsstrahlung input spectrum (ROOT Format TH1D*) to sample from.



Simulation Seed



Data will be written to this file.



Sets the energy of the primary particle to the user's value in MeV" << G4endl



Input File with Detector Response Function TProfile



Sets the uniform distribution width. Requires SampleEnergyRange Boolean to be passed as true.

-d --Debug=false


Runtime Boolean option for developers to place program in debugging mode printing statements at various spots in the program

-i --Force_Isotropic=true


Forces nrf isotropic emission.

-n --NRF=true


IF set to false NRF Physics will be removed from physicsList! The default is set to true.

-p --Print_Events=false


Runtime Boolean option to print event tracker to std::cout instead of G4cout to file

-r --Detector_Response_Input=false


Runs Mantis Simulation with Detector Response Function Input

-s --Print_Standalone_Data=false


Calls G4NRF to print a file of NRF Energies (takes up to 15 min)

-v --Verbose=false


Sets NRF Physics Verbosity

Testing Options: Detector Response, Bremsstrahlung Test, Resonance Test

-t1 --Detector_Response_Test=false


Create Detector Response Function

-t2 --Brem_Test=false


For creating a bremsstrahlung beam for a secondary simulation input. Requires energy flag to be passed with max bremsstrahlung energy

-t3 --Resonance_Test=false


Tests Resonance energies by having the input spectrum a normal distribution centered on Uranium resonance energies.

-t4 --Sample_Energy_Range=false


Samples from a normal distribution centered on user's energy.

-t5 --Run_Without_Chopper=false


Runs simulation with the beam set directly in front of interrogation object. User should input an incident interrogation object spectrum derived from another simulation. Useful for increased efficiency simulations.

Inputs for Macro File Input

The user also has several optional commands available in

  1. Beam
  • BeamSize
  • Energy Region Split Cut (For Importance Sampling Simulations)
  1. Event
  • Event Info Frequency
  1. Chopper Wheel
  • State
  • Material
  • Material Composition
  • Thickness
  • Distance From Source
  1. Container
  • Remove
  1. Interrogation Object
  • Radius
  • Material
  • Material Composition
  1. Cargo
  • Add Spherical Object
  • Add Box Object
  • Sphere Radii
  • Sphere Positions
  • Sphere Materials
  • Box Sizes
  • Box Positions
  • Box Materials
  1. Detector
  • Water Tank X,Y,Z Dimensions
  • Water Tank BackScattering Angle
  • Up to 2 Shielding Layer States, Thickness, and Materials
  • Photocathode Radius (PMT Radius Matches)
  • Photocathode Material (Automatically Sets Material Optical Properties)
  • Number of PMTs in Each Water Tank
  1. Output
  • Check Volume Overlaps (Recommended)
  • Output Data Options
  1. Run
  • Number of MC Particles to Run

Author: Jacob E Bickus

Creation time: 8/2020

Last Update: continous

To Install


  • Installed Geant4 Libraries
  • CERN ROOT Installed
  • Cmake

Version: Mantis and been built against and tested with Geant4 10.5 and 10.7, and ROOT 6.22. ROOT Version must be greater than 6.18.

For Easy Set up run the following lines of code:

> git clone && mkdir RunMantis && cd RunMantis && cmake ../mantis && make -jN

The Following Instructions should work once the Geant4 and CERN ROOT are installed:

Be sure to untar the NRF Database using

> tar xfz NRF_Database.tar.gz

Export the path to the untarred NRF Database for example in the user's bash:

export G4NRFGAMMADATA=/path/to/Database/Database1.1

Lastly some path issues may occur without the following lines in the user's bash:

source /path/to/root_build_directory/bin/

source /path/to/geant4-install/bin/

source /path/to/geant4-install/share/Geant4-10.5.1/geant4make/

To Run in Batch Mode

"vis_save.mac" will make a .wrl visualization file based on the commands provided in "vis_save.mac".

"" will not create a visualization.

> ./mantis -m macro( or vis_save.mac) -o <root output filename> -s <seed>

Creating a Bremsstrahlung Input Beam

The bremsstrahlung beam can be determined via other Geant4 simulations or through mantis. To create the input bremsstrahlung beam expected to inpinge upon the chopper wheel run mantis the following way:

> ./mantis -m -o bremsstrahlung.root -s <seed> -t true

Importance Sampling Simulations

The Output from the simulation can be prepared for an importance sampling simulation by running either:



Non-Importance Sampling Simulations

The output from the simulation should be prepared with MantisROOT::PrepInputSpectrum("bremsstrahlung.root",5e-6,"brem.root")

Output Notes

The Code will generate a .log and _error.log file in addition to a root file. All G4cout is sent to .log and all G4cerr is sent to _error.log. The user must select output in "" for the histograms/TTree to be filled during the simulation.