
Discord bot to post links from an RSS feed into a channel

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Discord RSS fetcher

A Discord bot to post the latest articles from an RSS feed into a channel, optionally mentioning a role when posting.


  • Multiple feeds per server
  • Commands to configure feeds in different channels
  • Optional role to be mentioned when a feed article is posted
  • Detects if a user "beats me to it" by posting the URL before the bot can (useful for slow feeds)
  • Specific handling for YouTube links, detects both long and short YouTube URLs

Use cases

  • You want to stay up to date with an RSS feed
  • You want your Discord server to be notified of events via an RSS feed

Community instance

A community member, Oliver4888, is kindly offering public hosts of my Discord bots for other community members. If you are interested in using this community-provided instance, you can find more at https://bots.ol48.uk/.
Please note that I cannot personally verify or take responsibility for the integrity of a community-provided bot instance.

Getting started

RSS Fetcher needs to be deployed before you can invite it to your Discord server. Please see my written deployment guide or video tutorial which can guide you through deployment even if you are a beginner.
Once you have deployed RSS Fetcher then return here to follow the Discord setup instructions below.

This button can be used for following the Heroku deployment steps.

Deploy to Heroku

Discord Setup

Follow these instructions once you have deployed the RSS Fetcher and added it to your Discord server. Use @RSS Fetcher help to view available commands.

Admin only These commands require administrator permission in the Discord server.

  • @RSS Fetcher add-feed <url> <#channel> [@role] to add a new feed
  • @RSS Fetcher view-feeds to view configured feeds for this server
  • @RSS Fetcher remove-feed <feed-id> to remove a feed by it's ID (found using the view-feeds command)

Example: @RSS Fetcher add-feed http://lorem-rss.herokuapp.com/feed?unit=second&interval=30 #rss-posts @subscribers


The bot requires certain permissions, which you are prompted for on the invite screen. Each permission has a reason for being required, explained below.

Permission Reason
Read messages Detect when you use commands
Send messages Respond when you use commands; post new RSS links
Read message history Check if any new RSS links have been posted during downtime
Embed links Responses to 'help' requests use message embeds for nice formatting


  • Test RSS Fetcher's ability to reply by using the version command @RSS Fetcher version
  • Double check that RSS Fetcher has both read and write permissions in the channel you're using
  • Make sure you're actually mentioning the bot and not the role with the same name
  • Make sure you have the 'Administrator' permission if you're trying to use an admin command
  • Double check that you've given RSS Fetcher all the necessary permissions
  • If you want RSS Fetcher to mention a role when it posts a new feed, make sure this role is mentionable
  • Make sure your RSS feed is valid by testing it on an RSS feed validator website
  • If you delete a channel and recreate it with the same name, you will need to delete and re-create the feed also

Built With


SemVer is used for versioning; view available versions on the tags page


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details