
  • Xcode 12.0
  • Swift 5
  • Platform iOS 13+
  • Cocoapods-1.10.1
  • macOS Catalina Version 10.15.4 or later

After Download

  • Install Cocoapods pod install
  • Open ProjectName.xcworkspace

App Navigation

Check your app's UI from the AppNavigation screens of your app.

Figma design guideline for better accuracy

Read our guidelines to increase the accuracy of design conversion to code by optimizing Figma designs.


  1. Alamofire : For REST API call

Project Structure

├── Yadorogi47shealchcareapplicationforios.xcodeproj  - it lets you create and modify Xcode projects from Ruby.      
├── Yadorogi47shealchcareapplicationforios            - Application components folder
│ ├── Application       - Application configuration files
│ ├── Assets.xcassets   - Assets of application (ex. images, logo)
│ ├── Constants         - Application constant files
│ │   ├── AppConstants  - Application oriented constants (ex. serverURL)
│ │   ├── StringScheme  - String constants
│ │   ├── ColorConstants - Color constants
│ │   └── FontScheme    - Font Scheme constants
│ ├── Views             - Application's UI View files
│ │   ├── Cell	        - Folder for UI View of cells in Views
│ │   │   └── ViewCell.swift - UIView with mapped model value of cell
│ │   ├── viewModel.swift    - Generated model file for the appropriate view.
│ │   └── view.swift    - Generated swiftui  
│ ├── Services          - REST API services folder
│ │   ├── APIManager.swift  - File with API calling functions
│ │   └── APIService.swift  - API related functions and methods
│ ├── Resources         - Application Resources (ex. fonts, libraries, splash screen)
│ │   └── Fonts         - application's font files
│ ├── Extensions        - iOS Extension Function Files
│ ├── Utilities         - Common classes for application (ex. Utilities)
│ │   └── Utilities.swift - Helper public functions (ex. alert functions)
│ ├── CustomViews       - external component library classes folder
│ ├── Models            - Models for REST APIs
│ ├── Helper            - Helper classes for application (ex. Viewport, ActivityLoader etc.)
│ └── Info.plist        - Permissions and application configuration file
└── Podfile             - Specification that describes the dependencies of the targets of one or more projects


We were enable to find following Fonts, Please add manually to Resources/Fonts
