
The purpose of the project is to provide an API to manage recipes and ingredients in order to filter for recipes by ingredients.

Primary LanguageGo

Cook Book - API


The purpose of the project is to provide an API to manage recipes and ingredients in order to filter for recipes by ingredients.

Getting started

The API is composed of two parts, the first is an REST API that helps to manage the searches and storage related to recipes and the second is a CLI helps to fill the recipe storage.

See the RESTful documentation

See the required environment variables


How to install
go install github.com/yael/cook-cook/cmd/cook-book-cli@latest
See how to use


How to install
go install github.com/yael-castro/cook-book/cmd/cook-book-http@latest
Start the server

How to use from source

All compiled binaries will put in the build directory


make cli
See how to use


make http
Start the server


This project contains some bash scripts to help to make some operations like compile. See bash scripts


Pattern (also style)

This project implements architecture pattern Ports and Adapters


Vertical Slicing

Interpreting what Vertical Slicing says, I decided to make one package per feature and put a little of each layer in each package.

Go Project Layout Standard

I decided to follow the Go Project Layout Standard.

Compile only what is required

According to the theory of hexagonal architecture, it is possible to have n adapters for different external signals (http, gRPC, command line).

For example one use case is to create a recipe, but the instruction comes from a http request or a kafka message.

So I decided to compile a binary to handle each signal.

Package tree

├── cmd
│   └── {binary}
├── internal
│   ├── app
│   │   └── {feature}
│   │       ├── business (Use cases, rules, data models and ports)
│   │       └── infrastructure
│   │           ├── input  (Everything related to "driving" adapters)
│   │           └── output (Everything related to "driven" adapters)
│   └── container (DI container)
└── pkg (Public and global code, potencially libraries)