
A basic implementation of a peer-to-peer blockchain network in Go, with functions to add transactions, mine blocks, and sync the chain among nodes.

Primary LanguageGo


A basic implementation of a peer-to-peer blockchain network in Go, with functions to add transactions, mine blocks, and sync the chain among nodes.


  • P2P network connection
  • Blockchain data distribution
  • Block mining
  • Node syncing
  • Register new nodes
  • Validate the chain

Getting Started

  • Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/yagcioglutoprak/p2p-blockchain.git
  • Execute blockchain.go
go run blockchain.go


You can test the network by running multiple instances of the program on different terminals.

  • You can add new transactions to the network by calling the NewTransaction function with sender, recipient and amount as arguments
blockchain.NewTransaction("Alice", "Bob", 5)
  • You can mine a new block by calling the mineBlock function
  • You can retrieve the current state of the blockchain by calling the getChain function
  • You can add a new node to the network by calling the RegisterNode function with the IP and Port of the new node as arguments
blockchain.RegisterNode("", "8000")

Python Testing

  • You can add new nodes and get the blockchain using python
add_node("", "8000")
blockchain = get_chain("", "8000")
  • You can mine a block using python by calling the mine_block function
mine_block("", "8000")

Please note that in order to test the network, you will need to run multiple instances of the program on different terminals and add nodes to the network.

Built With

  • Go
  • ChatGPT :)


  • This project was designed as a basic implementation of blockchain and p2p networks, so it may not be suitable for production use.
  • If you want to continue building on this project, it would be best to research more on P2P networks and blockchain technology for better implementation.