
Save your favorite places.

Primary LanguageSwift

MyLocations - iOS App

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Quick Review:

With this app, users can save their favorite places. The app shows the user's location with an accuracy of 10 meters, which allows them to accurately save the location on the map. This app detects the user's location using the Core Location framework. Saved user locations are displayed on the map, using the Map Kit. Users can also attach photos to their saved locations using an iPhone camera or a photo library, all saved user data is stored using Core Data.

MyLocation App Preview

Things I learned:

  • Core Location to detect the user's location
  • ImagePicker for selecting a photo from the library or camera
  • MapKit to display the current location and saved locations of users
  • Core Data to save user locations

Technology Used

  • Swift
  • UIKit
  • Xcode
  • Core Location
  • MapKit
  • Core Data

You can use Source Control -> Clone to clone the app and see how it works.

You can see the project in detail on Behance.

Photos by Clay Banks on Unsplash