
HipChatNotifier Plugin for Jenkins

Primary LanguageJava

HipChatNotifier Plugin

Uses HipChat API v2.

What makes it different from other HipChat Jenkins Plugins?

  • it works because it uses latest HipChat APIv2 :)
  • can specify token created by room owner (no more HipChat admin required!),
  • can define token per job (no more global token for all jobs set by Jenkins Administrator!).

Download plugin

If you don't want to compile plugin yourself, feel free to download latest pre-compiled version (pick hipchat-notifier.hpi) and go to uploading instructions.

Compile plugin (Ubuntu)

If you want to compile plugin yourself, follow these steps:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk maven2
git clone git@github.com:havramar/hipchat-notifier-plugin.git
cd hipchat-notifier-plugin
mvn package

As a result target/hipchat-notifier.hpi should be created.

Upload plugin to Jenkins

To upload it to Jenkins:


Global Settings

Manage Jenkins -> System Settings -> Hip Chat Notifier (section)

  • your api token - https://{xxxx}.hipchat.com/account/api

Job Settings

Job Page -> Configure -> Post-build Action (section) -> Add post-build action


  1. RoomName or RoomID
  • The name or id of the room which to notify
  1. Auth token
  • API Access (personal),
  • Room Notification (created by room owner),
  1. Message Format (SUCCESS)
  2. Message Format (FAILED)
  3. Massage from file
  • Load notify message from file
  • ignore message format setting


  1. post success notification
  • To set whether to notify if the build is successful
  1. success notification to notify:true
  • To set whether to notify parameter of success notification to true
  1. post failed notification
  • To set whether to notify if the build is failed
  1. failed notification to notify:true
  • To set whether to notify parameter of failed notification to true