// Authors Yagna Srinath Reddy, Battula(110010304) Ravi Chandra, Sadineni(109754581) Harshavardhan Chowdary, Ellanti(109596321) Project Level : Preemptive OS(70 marks) How to execute particular command in our sbush Setting PATH command : setenv PATH path example : setenv PATH /bin NOTE : We are supporting only one PATH at time. Cann't prepend or append PATH. Will search only in the PATH pointed by the PATH environment variable. List Processes Command : ps Kill Processes kill -9 <PID> Backgroud Processes Command : command & example : ls & Present Working Directory Command : pwd Echo command Command : echo $PATH cat command Command : cat <Binary/FileName/NULL> Pipe command How to : <command1> | <command2> | <command3> | <command4> Sleep command Command : sleep <seconds> example : sleep 4 Exit command Command : exit Exits the shell Change Directory Command : cd <path/../.> example : cd .. List Directory Command : ls [DIRECTORY] example : ls or ls <DIRECTORY>