

GoBarber Backend - Fundamental Concepts

What is this project about?

This project is about practicing the basic concepts behind NodeJS that were learned during the second module of GoStack 10 - Bootcamp.

How to run this project?

  • Install dependencies:
    • yarn
  • Start the back-end:
    • yarn dev


Day 01 - 2020/02/21

Setting up the project structure

Docker Fundamentals

  • How does it work?

    • Creates isolated environments (containers)
      • Isolated environments contains tools/technologies that will not change/edit our server's behaviour
      • Installing/updating/removing becomes too cumbersome through the traditional way
    • Containers expose communication ports
  • Main Concepts

    • Image
      • It's a tool/technology (e.g.: MySQL, MongoDB) that can be placed inside a container
    • Container
    • It's an instance of an image
    • Docker Registry
      • Docker Hub
    • Dockerfile
      • 'recipe' to create your own customized docker image

Configuring Docker

  • Creates an instance of PostgreSQL named postgresdb.
docker run --name postgresdb -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
  • Lists active container
docker ps
  • Stops the container
docker stop postgresdb
  • Lists all containers
docker ps -a
  • Stars a container
docker start postgresdb
  • Displays container logs
docker logs postgresdb

Sequelize & MVC

  • ORM (Object Relational Mapper): way of abstracting a database

    • Changes the way the application communicates with the database
  • Tables are now represented by Models

  • Manipulate Data

    • No SQL (most of the time)
    • Only JavaScript code
    SELECT *
      FROM users 
      WHERE email="user@domain.com" 
      LIMIT 1
      where: {
        email: "user@domain.com"
  • Migrations

    • Version control for databases
      • It's a way of maintaining the database updated
    • Each file contains instructions to create, edit, or delete tables or columns
    • Each file is a migration and migrations are ordered by date
    • What is a 'rollback'?
      • When you start a migration and something goes wrong you can perform a rollback, make changes to the table and start the migration again
      • When a migration is completed, it cannot be edited. Any required changes must be done through a new migration.
    • Every migration is specific to a table!
  • Seeds

    • Populate the database with mock data for development
    • Used frequently to create data for testing
    • Executable only through code
    • Should never be used for production
  • MVC Architecture

    • Model
      • Models are responsible for storing database abstractions
      • They are used to manipulate the data contained in the database
      • They have no responsability over our application's business rules
    • Controller
      • Controllers are the starting point of our application's requests
      • Routes are usually associated with a method from the controller
      • It's possible to include most of the application's business rules in the controllers
        • As the applications grows, business rules can be detached from the controllers
    • View
      • Views are what is being displayed to the client
      • In applications that don't use the REST API standard (JSON), that could be HTML
  • More about Controllers

    • They are represented by Classes
    • Always return JSON
    • It will not invoke another controller/method
    • It should only contain 5 methods (index, show, store, edit, delete)

ESLint, Prettier & EditorConfig

  • Tools that will maintaing the code standard
  • ESLint

    • It will perform the 'linting' of the code.
    • Verifies if desired standards are being followed
      yarn eslint --init // Creates the configuration file
  • Prettier

    • e.g.: Checks the sizes of lines of code
      yarn eslint --fix src --etx .js
  • EditorConfig

    • It will help maintaining the same code standards/styles throughout different editors

User Migration

  • Creates the migration file for the users table
  yarn sequelize migration:create --name=create-users
  • Performs the migration
  yarn sequelize db:migrate
  • Undo the last migration
  yarn sequelize db:migrate:undo
  • Undo all migrations
  yarn sequelize db:migrate:undo:all

Day 02 - 2020/02/23

Creating Models Loader

  • It will connect to the database and load our application's Models.
    • src/database/index.js

Generating Password Hash

  • Generate password_hash
    • yarn add bcryptjs
  • The field/attributes in the Model do not need to reflect 100% of what is in the database.
  • Hooks are a Sequelize functionality
    • Parts of the code are executed automatically, based on the actions that are being performed by the Model

JWT (JSON Web Token) Concepts

  • It's a way of authenticating in RESTful services

  • JWT Authentication

      "email": "user@email.com",
      "password": "password"
  • After user credentials are validated a JWT Token is generated for the user's session

  • Structure of a JWT Token

    1. Headers (i.e.: what algorithm was used to generated the token)
    2. Payload (Additional data: id, name, email)
    3. Signature - (Makes sure the token cannot be edited)

JWT Authentication

  • yarn add jsonwebtoken

  • All jwt token has an expiry date

  • src/config/auth.js

Authentication Middleware

  • Update route can only be accessed by users that have been authenticated

    • It protects the route from being accessed by users that have not been previously authenticated
  • A middleware must be used

    • It can be local or global. If it's a global middleware it will only be triggered by routes declared after it
  • JWT Token must be sent through the header (e.g.: Bearer 7812yhdahsBysahjdahskdas...)

  • src/app/middleware/auth.js

      const decode = await promisify(jwt.verify)(token, authCOnfig.secret);

Validating Data Input

  • yarn add yup
    • Schema validation library
  • import * as Yup from 'yup'
    • Does not has 'export as default'
  // An object will be validated (e.g.: req.body)
  // shape({}) represents the 'structure' the object needs to have
  const schema = Yup.object().shape({});