
Application to store projects and manage their tasks

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Challenge 01: Fundamental NodeJS Concepts

🚀 About the challenge

Create an application to store projects and their tasks using Express.


This app features all the latest tools and practices in back-end development!

  • 💹 NodeJS — A web framework for NodeJS

Getting started

  1. Clone this repo using git clone https://github.com/yagosansz/rockseat-bootcamp2020-challenge01.git
  2. Move yourself to the appropriate directory: cd rockseat-bootcamp2020-challenge01
  3. Run yarn to install dependencies

Getting started with the backend server

  1. Run yarn dev to start the server
  2. Test the routes by either using Insomnia or Postman


  • POST /projects: Route gets the id and title through the Request Body and adds the project to an array of projects, following the format: { id: "1", title: "New Project", tasks: [] };

  • GET /projects: Route that will list all the projects and their tasks;

  • PUT /projects/:id: Route that will update only a project's title as long as a valid id is supplied;

  • DELETE /projects/:id: Route that will delete a project as long as a valid id is supplied;

  • POST /projects/:id/tasks: Route gets the title through the Request Body and store new tasks in the array of tasks, by selecting a project from the projects' list as long as a valid id is supplied through the Route Parameters.

Made with ♥ by Yago!