
A solution to the poker hand ranking challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Poker Hand Challenge

A solution to the poker hand ranking challenge.

The challenge consists of receiving two poker hands, ranking them and returning the winner. A simple REST API was built to expose the solution.

Tech. Stack: Node.JS, Express, Jest (and supertest) for testing.

About the solution

This solutions does not consider jokers as part of the available deck for poker and also does not differentiate the royal straight flush, because it's simply a straight flush with a high ace.

Code Structure

├── README.md
├── api/
│   ├── __test__/
│   │   └── hands.spec.js       -- tests for the api enpoint
│   ├── hands.js                -- enpoint to receive the poker hands
│   ├── routes.js               -- the route(s) to attach to the server
│   └── server.js               -- simple server implementation
├── app/
│   └── errors.js               -- error handling middleware
├── cards/
│   ├── __test__/
│   │   └── analyzer.spec.js    -- tests for the cards analyzer
│   └── analyzer.js             -- cards/hands analyzer
├── curl/
│   └── test.sh                 -- api request examples
├── index.js                    -- application entry point
└── package.json


This considers available recent versions of Node.JS and NPM.

Get to the project's root and run:

# Install the dependencies
$ npm install

This should be enough.


If all the dependencies are satisfied, simply run the applications entry point:

$ node index.js
Server up and running. Listenning at 8080


You can either run the automated tests with:

$ npm test

Or, test it manually with cURL or a REST client of your choice. There are some examples at curl/test.sh.

$ cd curl/
$ sh test.sh
