
docker container for td-agent as service to receive syslog at :514/udp and storing to S3.

container image is based centos:8 .


Amazon Linux release 2 (Karoo) or later is recommended as docker-host.

and need Docker, docker-compose.

How to use

mv .env.template .env

and edit as needed.

.env is automatically referenced by docker-compose.

build image

docker-compose build

start container

docker-compose up -d

how to connect into container's shell

docker container exec -it `docker container ls -alq` /bin/bash

test simple stdout

in docker-host:

curl -X POST -d 'json={"json":"message2!!!"}' http://localhost:8888/debug.test

and in docker-container shell:

tail -f /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log

test sending syslog from docker-host

this test needs rsyslog on docker-host.

in docker-host:

sudo sh -c "echo local5.* @docker-hosts-ip:514 >> /etc/rsyslog.conf"
sudo service rsyslog restart
logger -p "I sent dummy syslog message"

please replace docker-hosts-ip.

in docker-container shell:

tail -f /tmp/buffer.*.log

and check your S3-bucket

notice: It can take up to an hour with default td-agent.conf.

stop container

docker-compose down