
Effortlessly generate QR codes directly in OpenSCAD! No extra dependencies!

Primary LanguageOpenSCADMIT LicenseMIT


Effortlessly generate QR codes directly in OpenSCAD! No extra dependencies!


This code...

include <qr-10.scad>

color("black") qr("https://github.com/xypwn/scadqr", center=true);

...gives us this model

demo QR code for https://github.com/xypwn/scadqr

API documentation can be found here

Usage / Installation

Choosing the right version

Because this library relies heavily on lookups (to get feasible generation speed despite using OpenSCAD), the full version of this library is about 2.4MB large.

The size of QR codes is identified by a "version" number ranging from 1-40.

The largest QR code version is version 40 and 177x177 pixels in size. It can store almost 3KB, which you probably won't need for most applications.

Downloads can be found here.

If you're unsure which version to download, 1-10 should be enough for most applications.

Versions Maxmimum characters by error correction level File size
1-10 L: 271 M: 213 Q: 151 H: 119 ~100kB
1-20 L: 858 M: 666 Q: 482 H: 382 ~400kB
1-30 L: 1732 M: 1370 Q: 982 H: 742 ~1.1MB
1-40 L: 2953 M: 2331 Q: 1663 H: 1273 ~2.4MB
Error correction level Recoverable
Low ~7%
Medium ~15%
Quartile ~25%
High ~30%


You can right click -> 'save target as' your selected version

Download File size
Versions 1-10 ~100kB
Versions 1-20 ~400kB
Versions 1-30 ~1.1MB
Versions 1-40 ~2.4MB

Which version should I download??

Using the library in your OpenSCAD project

You can either

  • download the library file directly into your project folder and include<qr-<version>.scad> it in your main .scad file
  • go to downloads and left click the file instead of saving it, then select everything and paste it at the end of your main .scad file; you will need to do this with Thingiverse as they only accept using a single file with Customizer
  • or fully install it as a user-defined library (I don't recommend this due to the hassle with redistribution and loss of flexibility)

Notes on using with Thingiverse's Customizer

This library fully supports Thingiverse's Customizer, but you will need to directly append the library code to your SCAD file, as Customizer only supports a single file.

I also noticed Customizer has some weird quirks regarding which SCAD code it will accept and which not. Here are some things you will need to pay attention to:

  • NEVER use non-ASCII characters, or it will just say "We're sorry, but something went wrong."
  • avoid functional asserts (e.g.: function f(x) = assert(x > 0) x;)
  • some functions like ord() aren't available

Copyright (c) 2023 Darwin Schuppan. All rights reserved.

This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
For a copy, see https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.