Evaluate the AP of four different adversarial-patch pasting methods on two types of faces(no mask , mask on)
Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJUsIuD5B3Q&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=%E6%B4%AA%E5%95%86%E7%A8%8B>
The pasting coordinates are in patch_coordinate.txt file
- chin
- forehead
- frame
- mouth
- The test samples have two types of faces
- Each type has five different sizes of faces(standing one to five meter away from the camera)
install mtcnn
pip install mtcnn
change mtcnn's factory.py
keras.layers -> tensorflow.keras.layers
keras.models -> tensorflow.keras.models
save mtcnn.py's scales into scales.npy
np.save('scales', scales)