
Custom rice for Linux, my personal development environment.

Primary LanguageShell

Comfy home inside the Void

System Specs

OS Void Linux
WM i3
Editor Neovim
Term Alacritty
Audio pipewire

Configuration Steps


  • Fresh Void Linux installation, help
  • Connection to the internet ping voidlinux.org
  • Suitable CPU and GPU drivers Installed, help

Update the system

After a fresh Void install the first thing is to update the system

sudo xbps-install -S; sudo xbps-install -u xbps; sudo xbps-install -u;

configure doas

this is the last time we use sudo

sudo xbps-install -S opendoas
echo permit nopass $USER as root | sudo tee /etc/doas.conf

Install needed packages

# Lets make a useful alias to save some key strokes
alias i='doas xbps-install -S'

i mesa-dri # for amd & intel GPU
i xorg-minimal xinit setxkbmap sxhkd xmodmap xclip xrdb maim feh
i picom i3 i3status alacritty rofi breeze-obsidian-cursor-theme
i noto-fonts-ttf noto-fonts-emoji nerd-fonts-symbols-ttf font-sourcecodepro
i dbus pipewire wireplumber
i git tmux neovim

# the following are optional if you will not use my nvim config
i fd ripgrep tealdeer bash-completion unzip wget curl
i zig python3 nodejs
i mpv yt-dlp

use neovim

doas rm -rf /usr/bin/nvi
doas ln -sf /usr/bin/{nvim,vi}

Audio with pipewire

doas mkdir -p /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d
doas ln -s /usr/share/examples/wireplumber/10-wireplumber.conf /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/
doas ln -s /usr/share/examples/pipewire/20-pipewire-pulse.conf /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/
doas ln -s /etc/sv/dbus/ /var/service/


# check if the user has bluetooth and it is unblocked
rfkill | grep bluetooth

# if you have bluetooth in the output
rfkill unblock bluetooth
i bluez libspa-bluetooth
doas ln -s /etc/sv/{dbus,bluetoothd}/ /var/service/
doas usermod $USER -aG bluetooth

clone the dotfiles

git clone https://github.com/yahia-soliman/dotfiles

Link configurations

mkdir -p ~/.config ~/.local/bin

ln -s ~/dotfiles/.config/* ~/.config/
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/home/.* ~/
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/bin/* ~/.local/bin/

Reboot and Enjoy The Void

If there is any issue contact me or submit an issue on this repo