Find House App

This project is a mobile app where you can find houses to rent. It has a full functional authentication. Each user can select his favorites houses and filter them.

Light         Dark

Dark         Light


  • Register your user with email, name and password.
  • Login with secure password and tokens
  • Display a list of houses in a scroll.
  • You can click in each house to see further details.
  • Add to favorites the houses you like.
  • Filter the houses with the ones you add to favorites.

Live Demo

It's deployed here

Built With

This project was built using these technologies.

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • GitHub
  • Redux
  • Eslint
  • Stylelint
  • VScode
  • Axios

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • Node.js is required to install dependencies and run scripts via npm.
  • A modern browser


  • Clone this repo:
    • Clone with SSH:
    • Clone with HTTPS


Install dependencies:

$ npm install

Start the local webserver:

$ npm start will open the project at local webserver at http://localhost:3000/


👤 Yahir Cardona

Working as a FullStack developer on this project.



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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.