Database Structure

API Structure

API Request and Response


  • Video object
  id: string,
  image_thumbnail: string,
  video_id: string

GET /videos

Returns all videos in the system.

  • URL Params
  • Data Params
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
  • Success Response:
  • Code: 200
  data: [


  • Product object
  id: string,
  video_id: string,
  product_id: string,
  link_product: string,
  title: string,
  price: integer

GET /products

Returns all products in the system.

  • URL Params
    Required: id=[string]
  • Data Params
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
  • Success Response:
  • Code: 200 Content:
    data: [
  • Error Response:
  • Code: 404
    Content: { message : "Products not found!" }


  • Comment object
  id: string,
  video: string,
  username: string,
  comment: string,
  timestamp: datetime(iso 8601)

GET /comments

Returns all comments in the system.

  • URL Params
  • Data Params
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
  • Success Response:
  • Code: 200
  data: [
  • Error Response:
  • Code: 404
    Content: { message : "Comments not found!" }

POST /comments

Creates a new comment and returns the new object.

  • URL Params
  • Data Params
  	video_id: string,
  	userComment: string,
  	username: string
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json

  • Success Response:

  • Code: 201
    Content: { <comment_object> }

  • Error Response:

  • Code: 400
    Content: { message : "video id, comment, username is required!" }

How to run in local

#Description project

This project build to complete the midterm test in Generasi Gigih 3.0 present by Yayasan Anak Bangsa Bisa and GoTo Foundation. This project using tech stack like:

  • Express JS
  • Node JS
  • Mongo DB
  • Mongoosh
  • Clean Architecture

#Instruction installation

  • Clone this repositories

    You need to clone this repositories to your local laptop/computer

  • Download and install MongoDB Compass & MongoDB Shell

    MongoDB is using for the databases and for simple using database with MongoDB Compass. You can download MongoDB Compass. MongoDB Shell is using for simple syntax in terminal for create database, use database, and many more. You can download MongoDBShell. After you finish install all, the next step is making the database. You can follow this step:

    • Open your MongoDB Compass software
    • Hit the button connect for connecting your local to database
    • Create database name is midterm_gigih
    • Create three collection with name comments, products, and videos
  • Initial the project

    After install the MongoDB and MongoDB Shell you can open the project in your Code Editor. First you nedd to run script

    yarn install

    this script is to download all the package for running this project.

  • Run the project

    After complete initial the project, you can run this script

    yarn dev

    this script able to run the project in localhost on port 3000. After it you can use the API in your local Postman software. If you dont have it, you can download it Postman or you wanna use other software is up to you.