
Yet Another Snake Game

Primary LanguageJava

Snake with Java Swing

Yet Another Game

We all know Snake. No need for an introduction. So, this is that Snake Game made with pure Java.

What does it have?

  • A snake 🐍
  • A Canvas – sorry I mean a grass 🗺
  • An annoying old Snake Game background sound 🎵
  • A scoreboard 💯
  • A 🔥 game UI 👀

Why? Why Snake?

Why not?

Also, it made me understand many new things and explore familiar topics in more depth.

  1. Design Patterns
    1. Model-View-Controller (MVC)
    2. Template Method
    3. Adapter
    4. Facade
  2. Object Oriented Programming
    1. Abstraction
    2. Encapsulation
    3. Inheritance
  3. Multi-Thread Management
    1. Prioritization and Scheduling
    2. Synchronization
    3. Thread Communication
  4. Game Physics
    1. Collision Detection
    2. Vector Manipulation