Task Tracking App

I guess this is just a simple task tracking app, that tracks tasks.

  • Frontend - React
  • Backend - SpringBoot/Java [link]
  • Database - MySQL


  1. The frontend is nothing without the API, so get the backend first link
  2. Node v16 or higher

How to run?

  1. Download and Run the API first from this link

  2. Download it first

git clone https://github.com/yahyafati/task_tracker_react
cd task_tracker_react
npm i
  1. Start
npm start

I guess that's it

Things to fix later on

Okay, this is all for me now. You can go. This is to make sure I do it later, you don't have to see this.

Hopefully, public humiliation is a good motivator

  1. Responsiveness
  2. Some glitches
  3. Dialog doesn't look like it fits with that UI (What are those colors 😭)
  4. Do more