To run this project on your local machine, follow these steps:
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- -Dcucumber.filter.tags :Filter the test based on tags : @regression @smoke
mvn clean test -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@regression"
- TAG :Filter the test based on tags : @regression @smoke
cd /bookApiStudyCase
ENV=uat TAG=@regression docker-compose up --build
cd /bookApiStudyCase/target
allure serve
- RestAssured
- Cucumber
- TestNg
- Allure report
- WireMock
- Jackson
- Lombok
- User can get book information with get book service
- Scenario: User can't add book similar book to list
- Add a book to the list with invalid payload
- User should not miss the book title or author
- Add a book to the list