
A ULP that makes distance measuring between contacts for the footprint easier.

MIT LicenseMIT


This ULP makes measuring distances between footprint contacts easier You can use this in the Library and board editors

Usage in the Library editor:

  • Using the group tool, select any 2 of the following: pads, smds, holes and lines.
  • Run ContactsRuller.ulp
  • You will have the X and Y result difference in 3 different units: mm, mil and inch.

Note: Don't select more than 2 objects in the group.

Usage in the Board editor:

  • Using the Group tool, select the part you want to measure, for the distance between its pads.
  • You will will then have a dialog with check box beside each contact name.
  • Select any 2 contacts.
  • Press OK. Next you will have a dialog with the difference in X and Y in 3 units: mm, mil and inch.

Note: Don't select more than 1 part in the group, and don't check more than 2 boxes in the dialog screen.

Usage: RUN ContactsRuler.ulp

Image of Yaktocat