
Selenium UI testing with AWS Lambda Layers

Primary LanguagePython

Selenium UI testing with AWS Lambda Layers

This is an example of set up Selenium testing with AWS lambda layers Python3.6

File Structure

  • seleniumLayer - Selenium
  • lambda
── /seleniumLayer/  # lambda layers
  ├── /selenium  lambda layer of selenium lib
  │  └──/python/      # python libs
  │   └── /lib/    
  │     └── /python3.6/*    
  ├── /chromedriver/    # lambda layer of headless Chrome 
  │ ├── /chromedriver   # chrome driver
  │ └── /headless-chromium # headless chrome binary
  └── /serverless.yaml     
── /lambda/            # lambda function
  ├── /handler.py      # source code of lambda function 
  └── /serverless.yaml # serverless config



Go to root directory of project

# download Selenium 2.37
$ pip3.6 install -t seleniumLayer/selenium/python/lib/python3.6/site-packages selenium==2.37

# download chrome driver
$ cd seleniumLayer
$ mkdir chromedriver
$ cd chromedriver
$ curl -SL https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/2.37/chromedriver_linux64.zip > chromedriver.zip
$ unzip chromedriver.zip
$ rm chromedriver.zip

# download chrome binary
$ curl -SL https://github.com/adieuadieu/serverless-chrome/releases/download/v1.0.0-41/stable-headless-chromium-amazonlinux-2017-03.zip > headless-chromium.zip
$ unzip headless-chromium.zip
$ rm headless-chromium.zip

Install serverless command

Do this if you don't have serverless in your machine yet

npm config set prefix /usr/local
and then,
npm i -g serverless

Deploy Lambda Layers

Go to root directory of project

$ cd seleniumLayer
$ sls deploy 

Deploy Lambda Function

Go to root directory of project

$ cd lambda
$ sls deploy 

Start Testing

Go to root directory of project

$ cd lambda
$ sls invoke --function hello