
npm i

I've tried first with pnpm but things don't work well using it, due to some missing dependencies for some reason.

Problem explained:

I am trying to use SWC with Mocha to run .js test files which contains tests for React components, I have hundereds of tests file already in the project, all with .js extension. It is a huge mess to migrate those files to .jsx extension, which I really prefer to avoid.

Using Babel, this setup has worked for years. Now I'm trying to switch to SWC.

This repo is the smallest minimal demo I could come up with.

There is a single React component and 2 tests files - one if .js extension and an identical with .jsx extension.

After installing the packages, run mocha for each file and see:


mocha src/Foo.test.js

// Unexpected token '<'


mocha src/Foo.test.jsx