🚧 This is highly experimental! 🚧
🚧 API is subject to change! 🚧
This is a package to create recordings of Flutter widgets. The recordings can be exported as GIFs.
This is pure Flutter/Dart implementation without any dependencies on native or platform code. Thus it runs on all supported platforms.
Please note, that the encoding of the GIF takes a lot of time. On web it is basically useless because it takes so much time.
Please see the example if you want to know how it works.
🚀 Getting Started
First, you will need to add screen_recorder
to your pubspec.yaml
sdk: flutter
screen_recorder: x.y.z # use the latest version found on pub.dev
Then, run flutter packages get
in your terminal.
Wrap your widget which should be recorded in a ScreenRecorder
height: 200,
width: 200,
background: Colors.white,
controller: ScreenRecorderController(
pixelRatio: 0.5,
skipFramesBetweenCaptures: 2,
child: // child which should be recorded
Then use ScreenRecorderController.start()
to start recording and
to stop the recording.
final gif = await ScreenRecorderController.export()
gives you the result which can be written to disk.
⚠️ Known issues and limitations
- Platform views are invisible in screenshots (like webview or Google Maps). For further details, see this Flutter issue.
- Web only works with Flutter's CanvasKit Renderer, for more information see Flutter Web Renderer docs.
📣 Author
I'm working on my packages on my free-time, but I don't have as much time as I would. If this package or any other package I created is helping you, please consider to sponsor me. By doing so, I will prioritize your issues or your pull-requests before the others.