just a collection of random tools.
Some of or most of these tools are unused now and old!
DNS Monitor - dns-monitor.py
I use this to see what my deivces are doing on the network.
simple automation of vm creation and deletion on KVM
Poorly implemented experimental decentralised dns system for fun(do not use this code)
wp-db - wp-db.sh
quick script to find and backup wordpress databases, this could be done much better by just backing up the database its self. was written to be used on a crappy godaddy host for a friend.
Simple Stats showing invalid login attempts in auth.log - authlogs-ip-stats
Generate stats from failed auth attempts in /var/log/auth.log and fetching locations based on IP address
load average alert - loadavg-alert.py
Checks load average and notifys via email when its too high
Runs "virsh list --all" via ssh and parses the output and counts the states per host then dumps to a json file.
Simple program to accept piped lists of domains that need to be blocked and the added to blocklist.conf in /etc/dnsmasq.d/, Usage: cat list-of-domains.txt | python dnsmasq-blocklist.py