
Dockerfiles for building ancient versions of Python programming language

Ancient python

Just repo with dockerfiles for building ancient python versions.


docker run --rm -it yakimka/ancient_python:0.9.1
docker run --rm -it yakimka/ancient_python:1.0.1
docker run --rm -it yakimka/ancient_python:1.2.0
docker run --rm -it yakimka/ancient_python:1.3.0
docker run --rm -it yakimka/ancient_python:1.5.1
docker run --rm -it yakimka/ancient_python:1.6.1


docker build --progress=plain -t python091 -f Dockerfile.py091 .
docker build --progress=plain -t python101 -f Dockerfile.py101 .
docker build --progress=plain -t python120 -f Dockerfile.py120 .
docker build --progress=plain -t python130 -f Dockerfile.py130 .
docker build --progress=plain -t python151 -f Dockerfile.py151 .
docker build --progress=plain -t python161 -f Dockerfile.py161 .
