
Next version of Safe application for storage of passwords

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


This application stores your passwords and other accompanying information.

Program screenshot


  • You can store any number of items
  • You can add any number of tags to an item
  • Each item can contain any number of fields of different types (single line text, multi line text, password).
  • The application supports search of items by title, description, tags, fields content, ...
  • You can copy to clipboard any field value by one click of a button.
  • You can toggle password visibility.
  • You can rearrange order of fields inside an item.
  • You can choose location of your storage.
  • Your storage is encrypted by your password. Be aware! There is no mechanism to restore forgotten password.
  • There is an integrated password generator. It allows you to choose password length and symbol sets.