
Book store

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Book-store # 🚀


Book store for users that want to purchase books and admin area for implement crud (create, read, update, delete)


 1. clone the repo  
 2. cd backend && yarn install && yarn start  
 3. cd frontend && yarn install && yarn start

Admin area

path ⇒ /admin
  • Login (JWT)
  • Signup
  • CRUD book (need to login)
  • Search book

User area

  • Get books list
  • Search books
  • Purchase book (need to login as user)
  • View the orders (need to login as user)



user area ** enter image description here


Front-end : React, Ant, Styled-component
Back-end : Node.js ,MongoDB ,Express, Bcrypt, JWT for authentication

To do

  • Add mobx/redux to mange state app
  • Add pagination on server side && client side
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements
  • Improve the UX & UI