
scrape and email web pages on schedule or on demand

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Scheduled mail delivery of web content

Basically what it does it scrapes a url and replaces it's content or parts of it with screenshots, and sends it as a mail message.

I had an attachment version but eventualy went with image hosting since mail messages where too large. Cloudinary, and sends the resulting HTML as a mail message.


  1. clone the repository
$ git clone git@github.com:cloudinary/mailinary.git
  1. install dependencies
$ npm install
  1. populate your environment configuration file (.env)
  1. test with a one time mail delivery
bin/mailinary --url https://marketplace.clicdata.com/v/yYF0JrwBkrHw --subject "it works 🔥" --from reports@YOUR_DOMAIN --to YOU@YOUR_DOMAIN --selectors '#dashboard'

Job (configuration options):

  • to <[string]> recepient email address list seperated by comma.
  • from <[string]> sender email address.
  • subject <?[string|function]> email message subject, either as string or a function that receives html and options object.
  • url <[string]> the url to scrape.
  • selectors <[Array<[string|RegExp]>]> array of strings or regular expressions of selectors of elements that would be replaced with a screenshot.
  • page_load_timeout <?[number]> add aditional wait time to page load.
  • schedule <[string]> schedule in cron expression.
  • login_form <[Object|function]> either async function that receives a page handle and interacts with the page or an Object with element selector/value pairs .
  • sentinel <[Object]> a kill switch configuration for stale reports.
    • validate <[function]> receives a handle to the element and checks if a condition is met.
    • error_notifier <[Object]> error notifier configuration.
      • from <[string]> sender email address.
      • to <[string]> error notification recepient email address list seperated by comma.
      • subject <?[string|function]> email message subject, either as string or a function that receives html and options object.

Debugging tips

  1. Turn off headless mode - sometimes it's useful to see what the browser is displaying. Instead of launching in headless mode, launch a full version of the browser using UI_DEBUG=1:

     UI_DEBUG=1 bin/mailinary --job jobs/schedule/sample

But i don't have a Cloudinary account

You can sign up for a free account .

To this date (nov 2018) Cloudinary's free plan includes 25 monthly credis (up to 25GB in storage / 25GB monthly bandwidth / 1000 monthly transformations) which is more than plenty if you have a daily mail process in place.

Additional resources are available at:


Released under the MIT license.