
Calculate historial market moves

Primary LanguagePython


Calculate historical market moves (by points or percentages)

This script will show market moves over the input dataset based on user input (days and percentage or days and points).


To ensure the script runs on your system, you will need:

  1. Python
  2. Python CSV library (dependency for the script to run) OR Yahoo Finance python module if you're using the network version of the script
  3. Your dataset -- you can pull this directly from finance.yahoo.com. I just search for the underlying (SPX in this case) and pull down the historical dataset in CSV. There is no need to alter the data you download, just feed it into the script. Or you can download the SPX dataset I have uploaded to this repository to run it for yourself the first time. Your Symbol -- enter the symbol i.e. -s SPY instead of having to download the CSV from Yahoo


The script requires you to add three (3) parameters:

  1. input file - your yahoo finance downloaded data OR input symbol
  2. days - The ranges of trading days to factor into the 'move'
  3. percentage OR points - The percentage or points in your requirement


If you wanted to know how many times SPY breached 1% move (up or down) over a 3 trading session over the dataset, then you run it as:

./market_move.py -i spy_042012-042017.csv -d 3 -p 1

./market_move_network.py -s SPY -d 3 -p 1

The script will traverse each trading day in your dataset and shift by 3 days then compare the closing prices of that range, if it breaches your percentage input (1% in this case), it will output the range in which it breached. Also, at the end of the run, it will output how many breaches occurred over the entire dataset based on your input.

For points, same except you pass in -t with your points value. For example:

./market_move.py -i spy_042012-042017.csv -d 3 -t 25

./market_move_network.py -s SPY -d 3 -t 25

How often VIX doubled in 60 days?

./market_move_magnitude.py -i vix_1992-2017.csv -d 60 -m 2

OUTPUT: 440 out of 6983 (6.30%)

6% of the time, in a rolling 60 day window, did the VIX double over the last 27 years.

What was the largest 1 day move?

./market_move_magnitude.py -i vix_1992-2017.csv

OUTPUT: Largest Move: 16.54 Start Date: 2008-10-21 Start Date Close: 53.11 End Date: 2008-10-22 End Date Close: 69.65




Ping me on Reddit: /u/roundqube