
Calorie counting, body weight tracking bot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



You need mysqlclient installed. sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev or brew install mysql-client or whatever.

  • pip install virtualenv
  • cd /path/to/project
  • virtualenv .venv --python=python3.10
  • source .venv/bin/activate
  • pip install pipenv
  • pipenv install "UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'descriptions'" when installing uwsgi? LDFLAGS=-fno-lto pip install uwsgi, then repeat
  • export TELEGRAM_TOKEN=...
  • export OWNER_TELEGRAM_ID=...
  • export DB_HOST=
  • export DB_NAME=fatbot
  • export DB_USER=fatbot
  • export DB_PASSWORD=fatbot
  • alembic upgrade head
  • python fatbot.py


  • docker compose exec mysql mysql -uroot -proot
  • CREATE USER 'fatbot'@'192.168.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'fatbot';
  • GRANT ALL ON fatbot.* to fatbot@'192.168.%';

Alembic cheatsheet

Create revision

alembic revision -m "revisionname"

Bring database to the latest revision

alembic upgrade head

Rollback the latest revision

alembic downgrade -1


  • pipenv install --dev
  • alembic upgrade head
  • pytest


  • cp .env.example .env
  • nano .env
  • sudo cp fatbot.service.example /etc/systemd/system/fatbot.service
  • sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/fatbot.service
  • sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  • sudo systemctl start fatbot
  • sudo systemctl enable fatbot
  • sudo visudo
  • add yakninja ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl start fatbot, /bin/systemctl stop fatbot, /bin/systemctl restart fatbot
  • see logs with journalctl -f -u fatbot