ProxyCrawl Test

Welcome to ProxyCrawl test, if you haven't applied for a job offer yet, please do so before starting the test by emailing us at jobs at proxycrawl dot com


  1. Clone/fork this repository.
  2. Read Project to Build section to see what you have to build in the test.
  3. Make commits to the repository like you would normally do on your daily job.
  4. Once you are done, if you've forked this project, you can send us the link to the github project. If you haven't, you can send us the zip file of the project (make sure it includes the .git folder).

Project to build

Create an application using NodeJS or Ruby (depending on the job offer you've applied) that scrapes and displays Twitter profiles using ProxyCrawl Crawling API.

Please create a free account if you haven't done so yet, the first 1000 requests are free of charge, if you need more free requests please ask the person in charge of your role application.

The application must have an interface to submit a twitter profile url and a ProxyCrawl API token, after submission, it should display as much information as you want to display from that profile page. The information must be crawled using the ProxyCrawl Crawling API.

All crawled profile information must be stored in the project as json files, one file per profile.

Important notes

  • This project is to showcase your skills, so try to do it as best as you can.
  • You don't have restrictions on libraries or frameworks to use for the test, that is up to you. But don't forget that we want to see your skills, not the ones of the guys from the libraries, so do it wisely ;)
  • We should be able to run the test and try it. If there are setup instructions please include them in this README file.
  • There are no restrictions, limits or instructions on the frontend part. We want to see your creativity!
  • The test is not time metered but we don't want you to use more than 5 hours on it.
  • If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the person in charge of your application.