
A library that provides a Python wrapper to Hurriyet API.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A library that provides a Python interface to Hurriyet API.


The easiest way to install the latest version is by using pip/easy_install to pull it from PyPI:

pip install python-hurriyet

You may also use Git to clone the repository from Github and install it manually:

git clone https://github.com/yakupadakli/python-hurriyet.git
cd python-hurriyet
python setup.py install

Python 2.7, 3.5 and 3.6, is supported for now.


from hurriyet.api import Api
api_key = ""
api = Api(api_key)


Article list

A list of all articles.

param Description
article_id The article’s ID. optional
modified_date The article’s modified date. optional
path The article’s path. optional
top Filters the number of records in the returned result set. optional
skip Skip the desired record from the result set. optional
Show get

Retrieve information for a given article.

param Description
article_id The article’s ID. required


Column list

A list of all columns.

param Description
column_id The column’s ID. optional
writer_id The writer’s ID. optional
modified_date The column’s modified date. optional
path The column’s path. optional
top Filters the number of records in the returned result set. optional
skip Skip the desired record from the result set. optional
Column get

Retrieve information for a given column.

param Description
column_id The column’s ID. required


NewsPhotoGallery list

A list of all news photo galleries.

param Description
news_photo_gallery_id The news photo gallery’s ID. optional
modified_date The news photo gallery’s modified date. optional
path The news photo gallery’s path. optional
top Filters the number of records in the returned result set. optional
skip Skip the desired record from the result set. optional
NewsPhotoGallery get

Retrieve information for a given news photo gallery.

param Description
news_photo_gallery_id The news photo gallery’s ID. required


NewsVideo list

A list of all news videos.

param Description
news_video_id The news video’s ID. optional
modified_date The news video’s modified date. optional
path The news video’s path. optional
top Filters the number of records in the returned result set. optional
skip Skip the desired record from the result set. optional
NewsPhotoGallery get

Retrieve information for a given news video.

param Description
news_video_id The news video’s ID. required


Page list

A list of all pages.

param Description
page_id The page’s ID. optional
top Filters the number of records in the returned result set. optional
skip Skip the desired record from the result set. optional
Page get

Retrieve information for a given page.

param Description
page_id The page’s ID. required


Path list

A list of all paths.

param Description
path_id The path’s ID. optional
top Filters the number of records in the returned result set. optional
skip Skip the desired record from the result set. optional
Path get

Retrieve information for a given path.

param Description
path_id The path’s ID. required


Writer list

A list of all writers.

param Description
writer_id The writer’s ID. optional
top Filters the number of records in the returned result set. optional
skip Skip the desired record from the result set. optional
Writer get

Retrieve information for a given writer.

param Description
writer_id The writer’s ID. required


Search article

Retrieve articles for a given keyword.

param Description
keyword Keyword. required
Search column

Retrieve columns for a given keyword.

param Description
keyword Keyword. required
Search folder

Retrieve folders for a given keyword.

param Description
keyword Keyword. required
Search news photo gallery

Retrieve news photo galleries for a given keyword.

param Description
keyword Keyword. required
Search page

Retrieve pages for a given keyword.

param Description
keyword Keyword. required