# This script is used for pre-process genome gtf files
prepare the genome annotation file as input, for human the inputs are:
gencode.v19.annotation.gtf,gencode.v19.tRNAs.gtf,miRbase_hsa.gff3,gencode.v19.long_noncoding_RNAs.gtf et al

you can use the input in /data1/users1/chaodi/ncRNA/human/gff/Gencode19/Input for testing !
you will get these results:
	1. separated specific biotypes 
	2. seperated 5' and 3' UTR
	3. defined intergenic region
	4. cleaned gtf for cufflinks
the output files are in	output: output_dir/separate_gff  output_dir/merge_gff   output_dir/clean_gtf/