
A simple debugger implementation in Java

Primary LanguageJava

Java debugger

This is a simple debugger implementation in Java using the Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA). It only supports single-threaded Java applications.


java Main <debuggee> [<debuggee-args>, ..]


cd \debugger\src\main\java
javac -g org/ssw/*.java
java org.ssw.Main org.ssw.Debuggee


command description
print print all variables and their values
print <variable-name> print the detailed value of the <variable-name>
step over go to the next line in the current stack frame
step into go to the next line (i.e. go to the first line of the called method)
step out go to the next line in the outer stack frame
breakpoints print all breakpoints as line numbers
breakpoints <line-number> add a breakpoint at <line-number>
breakpoints -<line-number> remove the breakpoint at <line-number>
trace print all currently active methods of the debuggee (i.e. a stacktrace)
continue continue the program until the next breakpoint or the end