
web browser with quick browse methods using zf2's HTTP Client and cURL

Primary LanguagePHP


Build Status

web browser with quick browse methods using zf2's HTTP Client and cURL



  "require": {
    "yalesov/zf2-browser": "2.*"

Copy config/browser.local.php.dist into (app root)/config/autoload/browser.local.php, and edit configs as described below.


The browser alias can be changed to anything you like.

  • cookieDir: directory for storing cookies. Make sure you create this directory, and that it is writable by www-data (or whatever your PHP scripts run as); or at least that its parent directory is writable (the script will create this dir for you in this case).
  • cookieLife: lifetime for cookie files (minute)
  • connectTimeout: max time to wait when connecting (second)
  • options: wrapper for \Zend\Http\Client::setOptions()
  • headers: wrapper for \Zend\Http\Client::setHeaders()


Get a browser instance

// $locator instanceof ServiceLocator
$browser = $locator->get('browser')->newInstance();

GET a page

$responseBody = $browser->get('http://example.com');

POST to a page with param foo = bar

$responseBody = $browser->post('http://example.com', array('foo' => 'bar'));