Submited to:


  • admin - Admin panel (Vue, Quasar)
  • api - API (NodeJs, TigerGraph)
  • app - Customer App (Vue, Quasar, Capacitor)

Foodie Shopie

Contributors and Contact Information: Samar J Ben

**Problem Statement addressed (or explain your own): ** E-Commerce Management

Description: Nowadays e-commerce is becoming popular. Even the small stores provides e-commerce facility to the neighboring customers. So it is very essential to track the service and analyze the data such us “who orders more”, “preference of each customers”, “which items sell good in which location”, etc… to increase profit.

Impactful in solving a real world problem

This project offers an shop owner to run full fledged e-commerce app and management app. They can run their own e-commerce app.

Innovative use case of graph

Running an e-commerce easy nowadays, but analyzing the data is hard. It is required to analyze the data to predict future growth. For example if you know which location sells which product more then you can keep more stock in location, etc.

Ambitious and complex graph

There are many vertexes and edges related to e-commerce site is used in the solution. Most of the task in e-commerce app is simple like (select, insert & update). But it has some hard parts when analyzing the data. Analyzing the data requires large amount of relationships for the table.

Applicable graph solution

Adopting this product to any organization is fairly easy. This project uses the restaurant type of e-commerce but it can be used to sell any products with no to little change. E-commerce is used even in small shops now.

Other additions:


Nodejs, Vuejs, Quasar, Capacitor, tigergraphql


Install instruction is found on on every folder (admin, api, app)

Known Issues and Future Improvements

This project is done in hurry so it may have some bugs.


The project frontend is done using vuejs and backend is done using nodejs. Tigergraph is connected using graphql for simple queries, rest api for insert and update, GSQL for complex queries. This has many room for improvement like delivery optimization, more analytics, ...


Tigergraph documetation, me This project is inspired from another project which is done by me using php, mysql